Speed Limit 225 Book Release Party

By Moonstone Arts Center (other events)

Wednesday, December 3 2014 7:00 PM 9:00 PM EST

Join us to celebrate the publication of Ivan Taub's new book of poems Speed Limit 225 ($15, The Moonstone Press). Ivan Taub, and notable Philadelphia actors: Mark Knight, Gina Martino, and Ethan Lipkin, will read poems from the collection, and if the starts are favorably aligned that night, preform a section (or two) from Taub's newest play The SHow, recently given a special workshop performance at the Luna Theatre in Philadelphia (the play was previously read tat the Baltimore Playwrights Festival and was a semi-finalist entry at the Neil Labute New Play Festival). 

Ivan Taub has publication and artistic credits as a writer/editor, playwright, author, poet, recording artist, record producer, band leader, performer, and as a presenter of theatre, music, and dance. His play State of Grace was a finalist in the 18th Maxim Mazumdar International Playwriting Competition, and his spiritual fiction novel The Messenger was published by AuthorHouse. He is an assistant professor in the Intellectual Heritage Program at Temple University, where he has been a recipient of a Sam S. Shubert Fellowship in Playwriting, nominated for Faculty of the Year by the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, and recently received a 15 Years of Service Anniversary Commendation; he holds a BA in religion, an MFA in theatre, a Ph.D. in humanities and has held teaching and administrative posts n the United States and Canada ni both the liberal arts and performing arts.